City-based Chennai Rawther 'Thalapakattu Biriyani' agreed not to use the name 'Thalappakkattu,' in their restaurants and hotels and has given an undertaking to remove the name advertised in various parts of Chennai and Madurai.
Dindigul-based biriyani seller 'Thalappakatti' had filed a civil suit and other petitions in Trademark Registry.
Since the Madras High Court had granted a stay on the usage 'Thalappakkattu,' which sounded similar to 'Thalappakatti,' the brand name being used by M/s Thalappakkatti Naidu Ananda Vilas Biriyani Hotel of Dindigul, the latter filed a contempt plea in high court against the Chennai-based chain of restaurants.
The city-based hotelier also agreed to remove the above name from the name boards, sign boards, bills, advertisements within a period of 60 days from the date on which the memo was recorded.
On their part, the Dindigul-based hotelier agreed to withdraw the original civil suit.
Recording the compromise memo, the division bench closed the contempt petition.