Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan on Wednesday supported Udta Punjab movie, which is in a controversy over censorship, saying the voice of a filmmaker should not be throttled.
Aamir is the latest celebrity to join the list of growing voices from the film industry, who have protested against the censor board's demands to remove the word 'Punjab' from the title and the story, and make 89 cuts.
"It's very unfortunate. I'm pained that the film is going through this. As per my knowledge, it is based on drug addiction and delivers a social message. I don't think there is anything that should be cut or audience should be kept away. It reflects badly on CBFC. I hope the film gets justice at the Tribunal. The voice of the filmmaker shouldn't be throttled. There should be freedom of speech. Every Indian should have this right," Aamir said on the sidelines of an event here.
Aamir is the latest celebrity to join the list of growing voices from the film industry, who have protested against the censor board's demands to remove the word 'Punjab' from the title and the story, and make 89 cuts.
"It's very unfortunate. I'm pained that the film is going through this. As per my knowledge, it is based on drug addiction and delivers a social message. I don't think there is anything that should be cut or audience should be kept away. It reflects badly on CBFC. I hope the film gets justice at the Tribunal. The voice of the filmmaker shouldn't be throttled. There should be freedom of speech. Every Indian should have this right," Aamir said on the sidelines of an event here.