"It was a conscious decision to write in English," Neelakantan, an engineer-turned-writer, said at a panel discussion on 'Is English hijacking the mythological platform?' at the LIC Gateway Litfest here last evening.
The author said he did not have English-medium schooling, and therefore initially he harboured some diffidence about his writing capability in that language.
"It took me upto 32 years (of his age) to get the confidence to write in English...It was a conscious decision to write in English," he said.
The writer said it was not easy to get published in Malayalam, his mother-tongue, and his stories -- retelling Hindu of mythology -- would probably have found no publisher in that language.
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Explaining why he turned to mythology for his 'material', Neelakantan said his rural family background helped him.
"I wrote what I knew...I tried to leverage my strength. I may have written better in Malayalam, but I don't regret it," he said.
"I am not expecting lakhs of readers. I am satisfied with my readers," he said.
Talking about how he uses mythology as a base, Jayamohan said he wasn't interested in mere re-telling of the stories, but wanted "to create my own mythology..To become another Vyasa of our time."
"I want to touch the sub-conscious of readers," he said, adding that our subconscious is always full of mythology.
"Kalidas also wrote for the market. (It so happened that) His client was the king," he said.