In a bid to support the government's Vande Bharat Mission, ITDC on Friday said it has offered one of its hotel in Chanakyapuri as self-quarantine facility for people coming from abroad.
The India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) has offered 50 rooms at special rates in Hotel Samrat.
The company has offered to support Vande Bharat Mission, the repatriation operation by the Indian government to bring back stranded Indians from different parts of the world in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, ITDC said in a statement.
The hotel is taking all required measures to sanitize the facility as per the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, it added.
"Standing in support with the nation in this time of unprecedented crisis, we intend to offer support and care to the community. We have reached out to the government with a proposal to offer quarantine facility at one of ITDC's run hotels at Chanakyapuri,"ITDCCommercial & MarketingDirectorPiyush Tiwari said.