The company's scrip gained 4.14 per cent to end the day Rs 5.03 on BSE. Intraday, it jumped 9.1 per cent and touched a high of Rs 5.27.
At NSE, the shares climbed 4.17 per cent and settled at Rs 5.
On the volume front, 12.10 lakh shares traded on BSE while over 63 lakh shares changed hands at NSE.
The company yesterday said it has allotted 6.46 lakh shares to Bank of Nova Scotia as part of Strategic Debt Restructuring (SDR).
In December last year, the debt-ridden firm had said that its lenders have invoked SDR in the company.
Strategic debt conversion option gives lenders the right to convert their outstanding loans into a majority equity stake if the borrower fails to meet conditions stipulated under the restructuring package and take control of the company operations.