In an apparent reference to recent CBI raid at the residence of Virbhadra Singh, IYC spokesperson Amrish Ranjan Pandey said, "Prime Minister Narendra Modi is using government machinery and unethical means to destabilise and bring down democratically-elected Congress government in Himachal Pradesh, which has mandate of people of the state."
The protest, led by IYC national president Amarinder Singh Raja, started from Raisina Road (IYC Office) and was headed towards the Prime Minister's Office. "Water canon was used to disperse the youth Congress workers," Pandey claimed.
"And now, it was indulging in taking political revenge against the Congress leaders," he alleged
IYC general secretary Srinivas BV, IYC secretary Sitaram Lamba, Delhi Pradesh Youth Congress Committee president Amit Mallik were among those who participated in the protest.