Giving the break-up of the recently announced Rs 80,000 crore package by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for the state, the Chief Minister said that the Centre and the state government have decided to lay the foundation for a "new Jammu and Kashmir" through Aggregate Multi-sector Economic and Infrastructure Rebuilding (TAMEIR) Plan 2015-2020.
He said that Rs 2,000 crore has been earmarked for the relief and rehabilitation of victims of 2014 floods.
Reaffirming his resolve to provide relief to every victim of last year's colossal floods, the Chief Minister said that it will be for the first time when people will be provided monetary help for reconstruction of damaged houses, building infrastructure as well as restoration of livelihood of traders and small-time businessmen.
"A comprehensive plan for protection of river Jhelum at a cost of Rs 1,100 crore is part of the development package, besides Rs 2,000 crore that will be spent on restoration of flood-damaged infrastructure," he stated.
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Similarly, a severely-damaged pucca house will be provided the financial assistance of Rs 1 lakh and a severely-damaged kutcha house will be given Rs 50,000, he said.
The PDP leader noted that Rs 2000 crore has also been earmarked as one time monetary compensation to families from PoK and Chammb areas.
Sayeed said it was a historic decision and all governments had only talked about their plight but this government fulfilled their demand.