Singh was addressing a gathering at Kakra, Bilawar in Kathua to celebration the Rashtriya Pancharyati Raj Divas under Gram Uday Se Bharat Uday Abhiyaan. The programme was inaugurated by the Prime Minister on April 14.
The recently announced Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojna would ensure that the farmers would get the requisite compensation in case of crop failure due to various reasons, the deputy Chief Minister said.
Singh said as a part of ensuring that the rural people get the requisite facilities the schemes of providing five crore free LPG connections would be provided throughout the country. It will ensure that the rural women are saved from the health problems they face because of burning wood and coal during cooking.
An amount of Rs 80 lakh has also been earmarked for panchayat for undertaking developmental works, he added.
Singh directed the officers present on the occasion to ensure that problems faced by villagers are redressed within the shortest possible time.