Singh along with Jammu Deputy Commissioner Kumar Rajeev Ranjan had paid surprise visit to receiving stations at Top Sherkhania, Muthi, Janipur, Bantalab, Channi and other parts of the Jammu city during night hours on August 13, 14 and 15 to take stock of situation at the offices, an official spokesman said.
"During the inspection, Singh took serious note of the mismanagement at these installations such as maintenance of duty rosters, non adherence to scheduled power cuts and poor condition of equipments," he said.
"No laxity will be tolerated on the part of any official with regard to well regulated power supply to the people," he said in the meeting.
Frequent and unscheduled power cuts have triggered protests at various places in the city with people accusing the state government of failing to address the problem at a time when the mercury is on rise.
The deputy chief minister also directed the deputy commissioner to constitute quick response teams for early restoration of damages and snags so that people do not face any inconvenience during the hot weather.
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