The Deputy Chief Minister today said the Rs 80,000 crore package will be in addition to Rs 35,000 crore being spent on up-gradation of Srinagar-Jammu highway.
"The package would be in addition to the Rs 30000 crore annual plan assistance for the State", he maintained.
Welcoming the package, Dr Singh said the economic package has components including humanitarian relief, disaster management, social infrastructure and developmental spending and is a historic one.
"Around Rs 60,000 crore, have been earmarked for new infrastructure projects in the State sector, around Rs 7,000 crore have been earmarked for ongoing projects and Rs 8,000 crore have been earmarked for humanitarian relief including rehabilitation of the flood victims", the Deputy Chief Minister added.
Dr Singh while referring to the Modi's assertion that the announcement of today's package is only a beginning and much more is going to come said that it is commendable and heartwarming gesture towards the people of Jammu and Kashmir.