Secretary Animal and Sheep Husbandry Department M A Bukhari was appointed as the inquiry officer yesterday and was directed to look into "various aspects related to the conduct of CET 2013 by the BOPEE on June 22 and 23," an official spokesman said today.
Last month, the BOPEE had to cancel the examination of Chemistry paper and postpone the Biology paper of the CET due to its negligence which led to the leakage of the Biology paper a day ahead of its scheduled exam.
Due to the mess up, thousands of candidates aspiring to get into various professional courses like MBBS, BDS, Engineering, BVSc and BSc (Agriculture) were left in great distress, even as the BOPEE rescheduled the examination of both the papers on July 27 and 28.
The spokesman asked the general public to come forward with comments, views and suggestions so that the inquiry is taken to its logical conclusion.
"Comments, views, suggestions have been invited from the general public for purposes of facilitating the inquiry and for arriving at logical and reasonable conclusions," the spokesman said.