"The draft Jammu and Kashmir Police Bill, 2013, is a first step towards preparation of the Police Act and it has to go through rigorous process of scrutiny like discussions and debate before it becomes a law," Principle Secretary, Home, Suresh Kumar, told reporters here.
"The draft Police Bill has been formulated in the backdrop of directions of the Apex Court in the writ petition of Prakash Singh and others Vs Union of India and others relating to police reforms," Kumar said.
The draft Police Bill, 2013 is comprehensive containing 13 chapters and 155 Sections aiming at making police as an impartial, efficient, professionally organised, people friendly and accountable service, he said.
Among the notable provisions of the draft Bill, setting up of Police Complaints Authorities at state and district levels to enquire into the complaints of misconduct and serious misconduct against the police officers will give a suitable platform to the people for redressing their grievances and generate confidence among them, Kumar added.