"Crime Branch, Jammu has registered a case against tehsildar Balwant Raj, the then tehsildar settlement and Satwant Singh then Patwari Halqa Satwari, Chatha and other officials of the revenue department for manipulating the revenue records and changing the ownership of land," SSP Crime branch Mubassir Latifi said.
He said that the case has also been registered against Jatinder Singh Aulakh of Khandwal, Jammu who was the beneficiary of the fraud.
"A complaint was received from Kunwar Gunit Singh alleging that his grandfather owned a big chunk of land in village Khandwal Chatha and after his death the land was inherited by his father and uncles being the legal heirs," Latifi said.
"Verification was conducted and during the course of enquiry it was found that the revenue officials had hatched a criminal conspiracy and manipulated the revenue records and entered the name of Jatinder Singh Aulakh in the register," he said.
He said that a case under various sections of the Ranbir Penal code has been registered at Crime Branch Jammu and investigation has been taken up.