Ozzy Osbourne's 29-year-old son took to Instagram to announce the news to fans, revealing his wife Lisa is pregnant with a sibling for the couple's two-year-old daughter Pearl, reported Hollywood.Com.
Alongside a photo of little Pearl cuddling up to her mother's bare belly, he wrote, "Surprise (sic)! #round2 #babyinbound".
He also shared a link to Lisa's blog, RaddestMom.Com, directing fans to read all about the pregnancy from the mum-to-be herself, who admitted she was more than four months along.
In the new blog post, Lisa writes, "I'm pregnant! Pearl is very happy to become a big sister. She diligently reads her 'I'm a big sister' books every night & recites to me her plans of bathing, feeding, singing to, and holding the baby.
The couple wed in 2012, shortly after Osbourne was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. They were hit with another challenge early on in their marriage after Lisa suffered a late-term miscarriage in 2013.