Accompanied by his party Lok Sabha MPs, Jagan, who faced the just-concluded elections against the TDP-BJP alliance, called on Modi at the Gujarat Bhavan here, urging the country's next Prime Minister to help build Andhra Pradesh.
"The fact is that he already has 283 MPs. He does not need any of us... We were never averse to him. We would be giving issue-based support," Reddy told reporters after the meeting with Modi.
Reddy said Andhra Pradesh would require Modi.
"The most important thing is Andhra Pradesh state needs him. We want our Prime Minister to be proactive. We need him... We need a great deal of help from him," he added.
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He presented a memorandum to Modi containing demands required for the growth of residual Andhra Pradesh after bifurcation and creation of a separate Telangana state.
Jagan Reddy claimed Modi has assured him that he would look into all the issues highlighted in the memorandum.
In the memorandum, Reddy drew the attention of Modi to a range of issues in Seemendhra, including funds to build a new capital, besides farmers issues.