A day after Mudragada accused the TDP government of "cheating" the Kapus and warned of a fresh stir, state HRD Minister Ganta Srinivasa Rao said his (Mudragada's) steps seem to be harming the interests of the community instead of bringing any favour.
"TDP government is committed to the welfare of Kapus on all fronts," he said, but added the government cannot be bullied by threats of agitation.
"Surprisingly, Mudragada had praised the Chief Minister a few weeks back and now in a letter he has alleged Naidu is misleading Kapus and has cheated them," the ministers told reporters here.
Rao said inclusion of Kapus in BC category is a sensitive issue and the government has initiated "scientific and systematic ways to consider allocation of quota to Kapus in education and employment".
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"Mudragada has been trying to derive a political mileage on the issue with the support of YSR Congress supremo YS Jaganmohan Reddy," he alleged.
"As Jagan, who is the Opposition Leader, has been facing a political storm, he is fanning a caste row by influencing Mudragada and few others," the ministers alleged.
Rao also dismissed allegations levelled by Mudragada that only TDP activists are cornering loans under 'Kapu Welfare Corporation'.
"So far over 32,000 Kapus have availed of the loans to the tune of Rs 192 crore. We are planning to allocate over Rs 500 crore to Kapu Corporation to sanction loans," he said.
"The TDP government has fulfilled the demands of Mudragada and has appointed a committee headed by Justice Manjunath regarding the demand raised by Kapus," he said.
An agitation by the community at Tuni in East Godavari district had turned violent on January 31.