"Lalu Prasad has been found guilty in the Rs 950 crore fodder scam. Jagan, who is facing allegations of having swindled Rs 1 lakh crore, will also meet with the same fate," TDP politburo member Yanamala Ramakrishnudu said in a statement here today.
While Lalu's graft was not visible, Jagan's corruption stands glaring in the form of palaces and companies engaged in dubious business deals, Ramakrishnudu alleged.
"Is addressing political meetings with the Bible in hand (by Jagan's mother YS Vijayamma) secularism?" he questioned.
Yanamala, who is also the Leader of Opposition in the AP Legislative Council, wondered how the governor of the state had granted an audience to Jagan, who spent 16 months in jail for allegedly siphoning off Rs 1 lakh crore.
He also lashed out at the YSRC president for what he described was the "street play" being enacted by his party on the united Andhra Pradesh issue.