The award was presented to Chandiram, who is suffering from cancer, in her brother's residence here.
Known for her contribution toward women's rights, Chandiram was the first Asian president of the IAWRT. She also held a number of prestigious positions like the Head of Department for television studies at the Film and Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune.
Chandiram was also the Head of Department of media studies at the Central Institute of Education (CIET-NCERT) and Educational Media Production Center of Indira Gandhi National Open University (EMPC-IGNOU).
Her former colleague and Managing Trustee of IAWRT-India, Reena Mohan said, "We are here to pay tribute to that extraordinary woman, Jai Chandiram...I would like to thank Jai for cajoling, pushing and mentoring many of us women working in film and television to discover our true potential.