Six more persons, including three Delhi police personnel, have been arrested for allegedly obtaining call detail records (CDRs) of BJP leader Arun Jaitley, bringing the total number of those held in the case to 10.
Assistant Sub-Inspector Gopal, head constable Harish, private detectives Alok Gupta, Saifi and Punit, along with another constable, were arrested by the Special Cell of Delhi Police earlier this month.
Sources familiar with the development said more information was needed to be furnished as six more arrests have been made in this case. The next meeting of the Committee will take place during the winter session of parliament beginning from December 5.
The matter was referred to the Privileges Committee after BJP and other parties raised the issue in Parliament earlier this year. Jaitley is Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha.
BJP members in the Standing Committee of Home Ministry had also raised the issue of Jaitley's call records when top Home Ministry officials, including those from the IB, NIA and Delhi Police, had deposed before it recently.