"The Madhya Pradesh government is guilty of violating the Supreme Court's mandate providing rehabilitation of villagers living near Indira Sagar dam (in Khardana village) and reduction of water level in the dam from 262 metres to 260," Karat told PTI after the meeting.
"The MP government is doing selective implementation of the SC order. They have not rehabilitated or resettled the villagers," she alleged.
Karat and NBA activist Chittarupa Palit urged Mukherjee to look into the matter.
The CPI(M) leader said the water level in Omkareshwar dam in Khandwa district was reduced following over two weeks of 'Jal Satyagraha' and the same move should be taken in case of Indira Sagar dam too.
Palit, who spearheaded the 'Jal Satyagrah' in Harda and Khandwa districts, said, "The President gave us a patient hearing. We are very hopeful."
In Harda yesterday, police had cracked down on over 100 protesters on 'Jal Satyagraha', pulling them out of water after they refused to call off their agitation, demanding land as compensation and reduction of water level of the Indira Sagar dam.
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The action came two days after a similar protest was called off in Khandwa district following an assurance from the Madhya Pradesh government that the affected villagers would be given land as compensation and the height of Omkareshwar Dam would be reduced.
Both Omkareshwar and Indira Sagar dams are built on the Narmada river and are part of the Indira Sagar Project.