In the charge sheet filed before Additional Sessions Judge Reetesh Singh in the firing case, Special Cell of Delhi Police has charged Zia-Ur-Rehman, alias Waqas, for offences punishable under sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 307 (attempt to murder), 120-B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC and under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and the Arms Act.
Waqas, a Pakistani national, has also been chargesheeted under various provisions of the Explosive Substances Act, the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, Arms Act and Information Technology Act and under section 120-B (criminal conspiracy) of the IPC in the blast case.
The car had caught fire after a mild blast, it said.
It also said that 25-year-old Waqas had come to India in September 2010 on the instructions of IM co-founder Riyaz Bhatkal "for assisting Ahmed Siddibappa (IM India chief Yasin Bhatkal) in the execution of terrorist attack before the Commonwealth Games."
"Being a member of proscribed terrorist outfit, accused voluntarily entered into India and actively participated in the conspiracy and planning, leading to firing at foreigners in Jama Masjid and planting of IED (improved explosive device)," it said.