The AAP in Goa on Thursday said the Jamia Nagar firing incident on the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi shows the desperation in the BJP camp to stop Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's "march to victory" in the February 8 election in the national capital.
In a statement released here, Goa AAP General Secretary Pradeep Padgaonkar said the Kejriwal-led party is on its way to retain power in Delhi.
"The Jamia firing incident on Mahatma Gandhis death anniversary shows the desperation in the BJP camp to stop Kejriwal and the AAPs march to victory in Delhi election," he said.
Padgaonkar said during the entire incident, the policeacted as bystanders and were complicit in the violent attack on an innocent.
He said it serves as a reminder that the forces that killed Gandhiji were seeking to destroy everything that he had stood for.
On Thursday afternoon, a student from the Jamia Millia Islamia was injured when a man opened fire at a group of protesters and shouted "Yeh lo azaadi", triggering panic in the Jamia Nagar area of Delhi.
The man was detained after he fired at students demonstrating against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, police said.