In a written reply in Rajya Sabha, HRD Minister Smriti Irani said the "university (JMI) has reported that the total expenditure incurred on the visit of NAAC Peer Team in 2015, including incidental expenditure, was Rs 26.50 lakh".
These expenses include over Rs 4 lakh on food, Rs 1.93 lakh on taxi and Rs 6.16 lakh as hotel expenses, according to the details provided by the minister.
A further Rs 62,963 was spent on items like portraits, photos, mementos, banners etc.
Jamia, which got an A grade, spent Rs 26.50 lakh on the NAAC team's visit from February 17-22, 2015, even though a varsity spokesperson claimed the money was not spent to "influence" the team.
According to RTI queries filed by Atyab Siddiqui, a lawyer, and Firoz Bakht Ahmed, a school teacher, the varsity spent Rs 3 lakh on books and stationery and Rs 1.26 lakh on designer bags for the team.
The duo had written to the University Grants Commission (UGC) and NAAC, seeking their intervention in the matter and withdrawal of the accreditation.