"Judge Uday Kumar Yadav upheld the DM's decision to impose Section 144 on a 13-acre plot in Jamuni. Dawa Lepcha, GTA executive sabha member in charge of tourism department, had filed a revision against the DM's order in the court on May 30," Public Prosecutor Pranay Rai said.
DM Puneet Yadav had clamped Section 144 of the CrPc on the land on April 28 for two months.
Lepcha had filed the revision on May 30 and the court had then passed an interim order staying the prohibitory order till the case was heard.
Lepcha said that the GTA would abide by the court's order but hinted at the possibility of approaching a higher court on the matter.
"We, however, believe that this issue has been politicised," he said referring to the Trinamool Congress's support to the landowners.