The royal couple, who is here on a six-day visit, spent nearly an hour at India International Centre and met Tata Group's Chairman Emeritus Ratan Tata, former Attorney General and Chairman of IIC Soli Sorabjee, Congress leader Karan Singh, scholar Kapila Vatsyayan, former Union Minister Ashwani Kumar and M G K Menon among others.
Some of the people, who were at the foundation laying ceremony of the IIC over a century ago, were also present today during the visit of the royal couple.
An exhibition of photographs commemorating their 1960 visit was also put in place at the IIC.
Cradled by the vivid green of the Lodi Gardens in central Delhi, IIC is a non-government institution widely regarded as a place where statesmen, diplomats, policy makers, intellectuals, scientists, jurists, writers, artists and members of civil society meet to initiate exchange of new ideas and knowledge.
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Its purpose, stated in its charter, was "to promote understanding and amity between the different communities of the world".
Yesterday, the Emperor met top leadership of the country, including President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, during which various issues relating to bilateral ties figured.
The relations between India and Japan are on the upswing as both the countries have expanded mutual cooperation in diverse areas, including trade and commerce, in the last few years.
Tomorrow, the Emperor and Empress are leaving for Chennai.