Jaitley's apparent criticism of Singh's move to contest as an Independent comes a day after his party colleague Sushma Swaraj Sushma said she was "pained" at the denial of ticket to Singh, which highlighted the differences in the party at the top.
"Membership of political party is a privilege. It is also an act of self oppression where personal views and ambitions are subjected to collective wisdom of the party. At times, the party may flood leaders with privileges and positions. On other occasions, the leader may have to take 'no' as an answer to his desires," Jaitley wrote on his website.
"This becomes a test of his loyalty and discipline. Restraint and silence are always a preferred option. Over reaction may prove be a transient storm in a tea cup. Silence is always dignified and more gracious," he said in an apparent reference to Singh without naming him.
Jaitley, contesting from Amritsar seat, said in election season, many political persons desirous of being candidates succeed in getting a party nomination, but many more get left out.