Police fished out the body of Kamal Talukder, 55, from Sandhya river in Barisal. He was a senior vice president of Jatiya Party's Babuganj Upazila chapter.
Talukder's body was recovered around noon today, said police official Anwar Hossain.
Police suspect the persons who killed Talukder might have thrown his body in the river, bdnews24 portal reported.
Talukder went out of his home to fix his motorcycle on February 2 but never returned, his son Rasel said.
Israt Hossain Kochi, Talukder's younger brother and a Bangladesh Nationalist Party leader, said the family did not file any complaint with police as it was usual for him to stay away from home for a day or two.
The Jatiya Party is led by former military ruler H M Ershad.