Asked about the anointment of Modi as the Chairman of BJP's Election Campaign Committee for 2014 Lok Sabha polls at the Goa conclave yesterday, she said it was an internal matter of the BJP and that it would not be proper for her to comment.
"Politically I do not think it would be proper for me to make a comment on what has happened in another party, but at a personal level, Modi is a very good friend of mine, I have high regard for him as an able administrator. My good wishes are always with him whether he wins election in Gujarat or achieves an elevation in his own party. I'm happy for him," she told reporters here.
Modi was among a set of select leaders who had attended Jayalalithaa's swearing-in as chief minister in 2011 and the AIADMK supremo had returned the favour by attending his swearing-in ceremony last year after he won his third term.