C Subramanian, hailing from Kanyakumari last week appealed to the Tamil Nadu Government on May 8 to allow mercy killing of his wife S Seethalakshmi, in coma for two months after an alleged botched up thyroid surgery in a government hospital, as doctors did not give hope of her recovery.
Subramanian, who submitted a petition to top government officials at the state secretariat in this regard, had also told reporters that he had borrowed Rs three lakh to treat his wife and urged the government to bear the cost of further treatment if it did not allow mercy killing.
"I directed the RGGGH administration to provide intensive treatment for the woman. A team of medical experts led by Dr Tito has been set up who are giving treatment to her," the Chief Minister said in a statement here.
The panel comprised experts from several specialities, including neurology, general medicine, vascular diseases and anasthesia, she noted.
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"I have ordered five lakh rupees to her family from the Chief Minister's Relief fund considering their poor financial background," Jayalalithaa said.
Since there was not enough improvement in her condition, she was brought to Chennai and admitted to the RGGGH, she said adding at present she was being given liquid food through tube and parenteral. Besides physiotherapy was also being given.