"Tamil Nadu government should exert pressure with the support of all political parties over the Centre. Chief Minister Jayalalithaa should not hesitate to meet Prime Minister Modi over the issue if needed," PMK chief Ramadoss said here today.
Claiming that an ordinance by the Union government could facilitate holding Jallikattu, he said," it (ordinance) is not possible unless Tamil Nadu exerted extraordinary pressure over the Centre."
"It is regrettable that the Central, and State governments are enacting dramas over the issue without showing true concern," he alleged.
Union Minsiter Pon Radhakrishnan had assured that "permission" for holding Jallikaatu would be secured. However, he had not elaborated. Following this DMK too postponed a protest slated for 28 December in Madurai to seek nod for the rural sport.
Supreme Court had last year banned Jallikattu, and bullock cart racing observing that bulls have rights against torture. Also, the Central government had issued a notification in 2011, including bulls in the list of performing animals. This was also claimed by Tamil Nadu parties as a factor that led to the eventual ban on Jallikattu.