The group plans to invest Rs 1,600 crore over three years and have a combined capacity of 300 MW under the newly formed entity - JBM Solar (P) Ltd, the company said in a statement.
JBM Solar plans to be an independent power producer (IPP) with focus on both, ground mounted and solar rooftop projects, it added.
"With the Indian national solar target increasing from 20GW to 100GW by 2022 and our government's ongoing focus towards building smart cities, we feel this is the right time to enter into the solar power sector," JBM Group Executive Director Nishant Arya said.
"We also plan to expand this business to wind energy and biomass in the next phase," Arya said.
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The company also also plans to hire up to 100 people in the solar vertical.
JBM Solar has already commissioned a rooftop solar installation at the India Habitat Center generating 250KW. The company recently also bagged an order from Haryana Government for a capacity of 20MW.
"This will be largest ground solar power plant in the state of Haryana till date. JBM Solar is currently in discussion with various state discoms for setting up more solar projects," the company said.