After BJP member Arun Shankar Prasad raised the matter during zero hour, Leader of Opposition Nand Kishore Yadav charged the state government with "indulging in politics" over the issue by not cooperating with the Centre.
This despite Centre's having volunteered to help it rehabilitate the 6-km long bridge over the river connecting Patna with Hajipur in Vaishali district, Yadav said.
He said that different survey reports including one by JICA of Japan have established that there was no fault in pillars of the bridge but the entire superstructure has to be changed.
Road Construction Department minister Rajiv Ranjan Singh Lallan alleged negligence by the Centre and accused BJP of trying to derive political mileage over the subject.
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He alleged that the Centre was not providing required money for repair work.
The state has decided to put up dividers along the road to stop overtaking by vehicles identified as the main reason for jam.