Raising the issue during Zero Hour in Rajya Sabha, he said "first we saw the sacrifice of Rohith, then the Kanhaiya episode and now Richa Singh episode is in the process."
The senior JD(U) leader said Singh, who had come to meet him yesterday, has raised issues of "crime against women, gender insensitiveness, authoritarian attitude of Vice Chancellor of the Allahabad University..." and added that abusive slogans were written against her on walls.
To this, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said there "should be no attack" on students, student movements and student independence.
Naqvi said he would bring the matter to the notice of the minister concerned so that proper action could be take if there has been any discrimination on part of the university administration.
Deputy Chairman P J Kurien told the members that Naqvi has said he will ensure investigation into the matter.