Senior JD(U) leader Sanjay Jha, who manages Kumar's blog and Facebook accounts said that the official page of the chief minister was at www.Facebook.Com/NitishKumarJDU and the party would take legal action as per the provisions of cyber laws against those running fake accounts of the CM.
"We have recently launched this Facebook page since we consider this as a vital tool to connect with the youth and crores of mobile and internet users accessing various social media platforms on their cell phones and computers in the state and outside," Jha said in a statement here.
"Some vested interests might want to attribute political motives by selectively citing from one of these fake accounts," he said.
"I appeal to people not to run any page on social media using CM's name," he said.
Jha said anyone wanting to run a fan page should use caution and restraint and regularly monitor their pages for profanity.
They should also ensure that their pages did not become a platform for vulgar political diatribe and mud-slinging on leaders of different political parties, he added.