"We welcome the report of the interlocutors and its recommendations," JD-U general secretary K C Tyagi said.
His statement is in stark contrast to the stand taken by NDA ally BJP, which rejected the report saying it would "weaken" India's position on the sensitive border state.
"We completely reject it. There are several areas of reservation. We condemn some of the suggestions", party spokesperson Nirmala Sitharaman had said after an urgent resolution was passed on the issue at the party's national executive meeting in Mumbai.
The JD-U general secretary pointed out that interlocutors were sent to Jammu and Kashmir on recommendations of all-party meeting chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in 2010.
"These recommendations of the interlocutors should be accepted and efforts should be made to consolidate the atmosphere of peace that has been built in that state," Tyagi said. He also demanded that another all party meeting should be called to discuss the recommendations of the interlocutors.
Party spokesperson and general secretary Shivanand Tewari, was a bit guarded in his comment. He said that the committee of the interlocutors must have given a number of suggestions, which should be debated and examined.
Tiwari said the report should be looked at seriously as it involves a sensitive issue. He also felt that the problem of Kashmir cannot be solved by force. "It was a creation of the wrong policies and can be corrected only through proper policies," he said.