Jeera prices fell Rs 285 to Rs 15,610 per quintal in futures trade today, extending its fall for the second day, as speculators trimmed positions to book profits at prevailing levels amid lower domestic and exports demand.
Furthermore, higher crop prospects amid sluggish spot demand also attributed to the further drag in jeera price.
At the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange, jeera for delivery in May contracts fell Rs 285, or 1.79 per cent, to Rs 15,610 per quintal with an open interest of 5,667 lots.
Similarly, the spice for delivery in June moved down by Rs 265, or 1.66 per cent, to Rs 15,675 per quintal in 3,231 lots.
Analysts said besides profit-booking by speculators at existing levels, fall in demand at the spot market against adequate stocks position, kept pressure on jeera futures.