Jeet, who will be unveiled in the new look 'Boss' avatar on June 14 to anoint the 11th year of his stardom, told PTI he believed the Baba Yadav film will introduce a new 'gharana' by introducing Hollywood-type sequences for the first time.
Boss is centred on gangster Surya slowly setting up his empire in Mumbai with love, power play, intrigue thrown in for equal measure, director Yadav said.
Unlike Kolkata, which was used as locale in most Bangla movies in past, 'Boss' comes at a stage in his career, when the Bengali film industry is going through one of its most exciting phases with different genres apparently merging, a trend having taken place in Bollywood for past six years/
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"But I will not shift priorities. Ravi Kinnagi, Rajib (Biswas), Raja Chanda, Raj (Chakraborty) should equally keep doing their films like Tonyda (Aniruddha Roy Choudhury), Srijit and others.," Jeet said earlier at an event urging critics and media to see the work done by Baba, one of his most favourite choreographers in earlier films.
"Don't know how you will bracket my 2002 debut film Sathi opposite Priyanka Tribedi which was a total entertainer for me and clean one.