All proceeds, royalties and fees received by him from the book would be donated to the national character building movement 'Apeejay Karmayuga' and other citizen action and social justice causes espoused by him, Almeida said.
A compilation of tales celebrating the triumph of the human spirit, 'Karma Kurry' was published in 2013 and became a bestseller.
As part of the deal, ten more 'Karma Kurry' series of books will be published by 2020.
The stories of these heroes will be published in 'Karma Kurry' books.
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"Karma Kurry is just not a book series for me but a passion, a journey of many, many years and a vision with a compelling mission to help bring about a change in our world by telling inspiring stories of real life heroes to people at large in schools, colleges, B-schools and organisations from all sectors," the author, also a motivational speaker, said.
The publishers will help support the author to raise Rs 12 crore by 2020 through a mix of upfront fees, paperback royalties, international book sales, audio books, eBooks, TV and play rights, author endorsements and several other bonuses from other avenues.
As a part of the book deal Jaico has already published a special first edition autographed books.
Jaico shall be giving majority of all sales proceeds from this book to Jerry to accomplish his mission.