The one-way economy fares would be Rs 1,777, Rs 2,777 and Rs 3,777 for sectors less than 750 km, between 750-1,000 km and over 1,000 km respectively, an airline spokesperson said, adding fuel surcharge would be part of the ticket cost but the passenger would have to pay the applicable taxes.
While the tickets must be booked on or before August 9, travel must commence on or after August 10 on this 7-day-long advance purchase fare scheme.
The Jet move is a limited-period bonanza to attract more passengers during the lean season when air traffic is low.
In spite of financial trouble, the Indian airline industry has been experiencing, the low-fare war between airlines has never abated in the past months, with the latest initiator being SpiceJet earlier this year with other airlines following suit, industry sources said.
They said Jet's decision to offer low fares indicated an improvement in its cash flow following its stake sale deal with Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways.