At the same time, Jethmalani refused to find fault with Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, who is also part of the BJP's Parliamentary Board that took the decision to expel him for six years on charges of "breach of discipline".
Terming the action against him as "stupidity", the 89-year-old lawyer alleged that there are people within the party who do not wish to speak about black money and recover it from the criminals.
"I have no doubt that they are ashamed of the campaign against black money that I have started...The leadership of this party refused to support me in my demands (regarding repatriation of black money) against the Congress party," he added.
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"My confidence in the stupidity of these leaders stands confirmed...They are going to lose millions of votes due to this stupid action," the rebel BJP MP said.
Maintaining that he has no ambition for any ministerial post, Jethmalani said his only aim is to dislodge the "corrupt rulers". He spoke at length about his campaign against black money.
Asked about Modi, he said that he still believes that Modi is the best Prime Ministerial candidate and better than anyone else in BJP.
Jethmalani, who had been critical of the BJP leadership and had revolted against then party chief Nitin Gadkari, was today expelled from the party's primary membership for six years on charges of "breach of discipline".