Dharmendra, Satya Prakash, Devendra and Salman, who had stolen a licensed revolver, a gold ring and two live cartridges from the dead body of the jeweller, Karunakar alias Rinku, were arrested from Karhera Hindan bridge T-point on the basis of mobile surveillance, SP (city) Shiv Hari Meena told reporters.
However, the mystery behind the murder of the jeweller is still unresolved.
Upon interrogation, Dharmendra, the main accused, confessed that on October 11 at about 7 pm he noticed Rinku in an unconscious state inside his car. He immediately called his three other associates and broke opened the rear windowpane, the SP said.
Devendra kept the revolver and one mobile phone was crushed by them and thrown away, the SP said, adding that a case under section 379 (theft) and 411 (dishonestly receiving stolen property) of IPC has been registered.
All the four culprits have been sent to jail, he said.