Airport police station SHO Tanik Kumar said thieves stole some items from Singh's residence located in Vidhayak Colony in Kautilya Nagar area of the town early this morning.
Kumar said the thieves entered from the kitchen on the first floor by breaking its door and searched three rooms and also broke open a steel almirah.
A FSL team has collected samples, he said adding, no one was there in the house at the time of the theft.
Asked about the value of jewellery and other items, the SHO said he was preparing a list of stolen items and the value of stolen items were being ascertained.
When contacted, Singh's PA Harish told PTI that six empty jewellery boxes were lying on the floor, which was also strewn with clothes and other items.
He said since family members were out of station, the valuation of ornaments could only be ascertained on their return.