Hearing the case in which Sita Soren is one of the accused, the division bench of Chief Justice Prakash Chandra Tatia and Justice Jaya Roy asked police how they had failed to find the whereabouts of the MLA, whom they have provided with security personnel.
The bench directed the police officer investigating the assault charge against Sita Soren to appear before it on the next date.
The judges also asked the CBI to complete the probe into the case and submit a report on April 2, the next date for hearing. The CBI was earlier ordered to submit its report on March 5.
The probe agency has already conducted raids in the premises of at least 23 MLAs in connection with the horse trading case, which was registered after cash had been seized from a vehicle said to be owned by a relative of an independent candidate, in Ranchi on the day Rajya Sabha polls was scheduled.