Of the allocated Rs. 4000 crore, we have spent Rs.1527 crore as compared to 18.95 per cent spent till June last year, Secretary of the department Mast Ram Meena said.
"In the current fiscal, we have already constructed 300 km of road and 20 bridges of the targeted 1450 km of road construction and 40 bridges," Meena was quoted as saying in an official release here.
Of the announcement made in the budget, the construction work of 20 roads was well in progress while the department was active in completing the Ranchi-Bokaro-Dhanbad six-lane Expressway and Dhanbad-Jamshedpur-Ranchi Six-lane Golden Triangle, Meena said.
He said construction work on
Dakbungla-Jagdishpur-Giridih-Usri-Riwar-Chopa mode-Hansdiha-Chakradharpur, ROB, Gumla bypass, NH 23 and 78, Rajmahal bypass, Jori-Kalan-Bagda worth Rs.1012 crore was in progress.
A sum of Rs.8864 crore would be spent for construction of various road projects sponsored by National Highway Authority of India, he said adding that development can not be possible without improving the infrastructure.