Sanctioning 'Jharcraft' an amount of Rs 10 crore to purchase cocoon, Chief Secretary R S Sharma asked Jharkhand Silk Textile and Handicrafts Development Corporation to make extensive efforts in the growth of the sector.
Sharma asked Jharcraft to get professional assistance to expand knowledge on market prospects, proper marketing strategy, risk management, security mechanism and other important aspects in this sector, an official release said.
Advising Jharcraft headed by its Managing Director Dhirendra Kumar to take up a comprehensive study on cocoon production, Sharma yesterday stressed upon alternative ways to purchase cocoon.
He said the immediate aim was to meet the country's deficit silk demand of 10,000 MT and then producing more silk. On October 25 last year, Union Textile Minister K Sambasiva Rao had made an announcement in Ranchi that his department would assist up to Rs 1,000 crore in Jharcraft's pursuit in promoting livelihood and increasing silk production.