The ambitious project has been formulated for Jammu city at an estimated cost of Rs 67.45 crore which will help in smooth flow of traffic and reduce travel time and distance, Chief Executive Officer, J&K Economic Reconstruction Agency, Tehseen Mustafa said here.
Jammu is facing heavy traffic jams and chaos in several areas causing hardships to people mostly because of wrong parkings by private transport vehicles.
The Economic Reconstruction Agency, which is the implementing agency for the construction of flyover from Bikram Chowk to Convent school, today organised a workshop for various stakeholders to discuss the traffic management and diversion plan related to the project.
He said that the main objective of this proposed TMP is to ensure the safety of all the road users along the work zone and to address the issues like safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists travelling through the work zone, protection of work force engaged in construction from dangers associated with moving traffic.
He informed that for the smooth implementation of the project and in order to reduce inconvenience to the public, the plan will be implemented in three stages which were discussed comprehensively during the workshop.