Led by JKNPP Chairman Harsh Dev Singh, over 200 daily wage workers held demonstration and sat on dharna in front of Lok Nirman Bhawan here in support of their demand.
"We urge the government to revoke termination order of daily wage and casual employees. The government should regularise all those workers who had completed seven years service as repeatedly assured by government," Singh said here today.
Singh charged that the PDP and BJP who had been making "loud pronouncements" of ending all forms of exploitation of youth, working class and regularisation of all daily wagers during polls had in fact ignored them by withholding their wages.
Singh said the employees proposed to be dis-engaged have been performing their duties for the last 10-20 years on meagre wages and discontinuing their service would have severe toll upon their very existence.
Flaying the BJP-PDP combine for their highly "vindictive approach," Singh said the daily rated and casual workers had been made the sacrificial lambs by the ruling alliance to wreck vengeance upon their predecessors.