The petition, filed by lawyer Kamini Jaiswal through Prashant Bhushan, also sought a direction to set up a Special Investigation Team to probe the incidents of violent attacks on some journalists, students, teachers, defence lawyers and Kanhaiya on February 15 and 17 by some advocates in the premises of Patiala House courts here during the hearing of the sedition case involving the student leader.
The plea, has sought "suo moto contempt proceeding" against lawyers Vikram Singh Chauhan, Yashpal Singh and Om Sharma on the ground that they have allegedly been caught on camera talking about the attacks.
The plea alleged that the lawyers have interfered in the "administration of justice" and willfully violated the orders passed by the apex court on February 17.
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The contempt of court has been by certain lawyers including these three and there was complete inaction on the part of Delhi Police "which has been exposed by the report dated February 18, of 5 senior advocates appointed as court commissioners by this court," it said.
The plea has also referred to the report of the National Human Rights Commission as well the sting operation of a news channel on the issue in its support.
"These bragging and boasting by the lawyers are trampling the rule of law. It's high time that the Supreme Court takes suo motu notice of the matter and issues contempt notice against these lawyers," Bhushan had said after which the bench had asked him to file a fresh plea.