Reddy alleged that those opposing the BJP are being branded as "anti-nationals" including Rohith Vemula, the dalit research scholar who allegedly committed suicide in HCU, Kanhaiah Kumar, the communists and the Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi.
Kumar was slapped with sedition charge and arrested by Delhi Police after taking note of the purported footage.
The Communist party has an "international ideology", he said, adding that the CPI took an active part in freedom struggle and also fought against the British and the Nizam of Hyderabad.
Is it not anti-national when BJP MP Sakshi Maharaj allegedly said that the statues of Nathuram Godse would be installed across the country, he asked.
On the comments of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that conspiracies are afoot to destabilise the NDA government, the CPI leader said the details of any such conspiracy, like who conspired and why, should be made public.