The Delhi Police on Friday released pictures of nine suspects in the JNU violence case and claimed JNUSU president Aishe Ghosh was one of them.
Of the nine, seven belong to left-leaning student organisations while two are affiliated to right-wing students' body, the police said.
Addressing a press conference, DCP (Crime Branch) Joy Tirkey, who is probing the case, said a majority of the students wanted to register for the winter semester from January 1 to 5, but the left-leaning students' bodies were not allowing them to do so.
About the attack on January 5, the DCP said that specific rooms in the university's Periyar hostel were targeted.
Several people including Aishe Ghosh attacked students in the hostel, the police officer claimed.
Ghosh, who was injured in the attack, however, refuted the charge saying the Delhi Police should make public whatever proof it has against her.